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Kinetic backpack

Backpack designed for the Marines could charge your GPS or phone

by Yazmin Malcolm


An innovative new backpack, specially designed for the US Marines which harnesses energy whilst you're on the move and can charge battery-powered devices, could be the answer to the backpacker's woes.

The amazing invention, designed by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and brought to WideWorld's attention by the Adventure Blog, generates power strong enough to recharge a torch, phone or GPS just while you're walking. It has been tried and tested by marines but unfortunately this backpack will not be hitting stores just yet as they are still being reviewed and improved.

It promises to be perfect for people who go on long treks or hikes far away from any power source. Imagine climbing 5,895 metres up Kilimanjaro to find your camera’s out of battery – with this backpack you wouldn't need to worry.

More importantly, it could save the lives of hikers that stray off course when their GPS fails. It could power a GPS or phone and enable hikers to call for assistance in an emergency – providing there’s signal of course.

While we're waiting though, backpacks powered by solar panels are due to appear on shelves in UK camping stores this October. They're already being sold in America for between $300 and $500.

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