by WideWorld
Paul Smith, AKA the Twitchhiker wants to get to Antarctica. By tweeting. Seriously.
He’s already travelled the world by relying on the kindness of other tweeters picking him up and giving him lifts – so much so, that this year he’s been all the way from Gateshead in Tyne & Wear to New Zealand in just 30 days. You could say he’s Phileas Blog.
His latest effort is to enter a competition set up by Quark Expeditions to get a blogger to the frozen continent – anyone can enter, and the person with the most online votes gets two tickets and the chance to tell the world about their incredible experience.
The votes are counted on 30 September this year, and the trip leaves for Antarctica in February 2010.
If you’d like to go head to head with the world’s biggest twitchhiker, enter yourself at www.blogyourwaytoantarctica.com
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