by WideWorld
Lighthouses of the World by Marie-Haude Arzur.
We're not sure just what it is about lighthouses that interests people. Essentially a functional torch on a stick, they're still able to conjure up mental images that stay with us our whole lives - but come on, when was the last time anyone actually lived on a lighthouse and battled the elements? Lighthouses of the World, while not promising to dissect our obsession with these coastal safety towers, is a compendium of incredible photography from around the planet that taps into our love of the proud lighthouse.
With 230 pages of colour photography, this really is a spin around the globe, with every continent and coast covered. Lighthouses all do the same job, so it's fascinating to see just how much they can differ, from the North African medieval-style turret, to the ultra-modern Japanese towers such as Enoshima, which owes more to air traffic control than 17th century coasters.
A prize possession on the WideWorld coffee table, and a fitting gift to anyone with an interest in the romantic image of these spectacular structures.
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